Health Benefits of A2 Ghee

India is one of the countries with the greatest number of heart and diabetes patients. So, how can we keep yourself aware and healthy?

Well, for starters you should be aware about the food items on your plate before you consume them, because in the end, “you are what you eat”.

Let’s talk about one of the most common and widely used food item, Ghee.

Do you know that majority of the commercial branded ghee is just commercial butter oil, that looks like ghee? So, it’s very easy to get confused and almost impossible to identify which one is real and which one you should probably avoid.  

We need to put the brands under greater scrutiny and critically analyzed their process of manufacturing.  And when it comes to ghee, it boils down to the type of ghee we are consuming.

There are basically 2 types of in the market right now. A1 and A2, A1 being widely used across households.  So, is it just difference is name or is there a wider picture to it? Well, there are basically different types of milks, obtained differently and then went into a different process that later aide in the manufacturing of ghee.

So, A1 and A2 types of ghee come from A1 and A2 types of milk. And there are some striking differences between A1 and A2 types of milk that can be seen in the quality of respective types of types.  Most prominent differences between A1 and A2 types of milk are;

  • A1 type of milk obtained from cows of western origin like Holstein, Friesian, Jersey etc. on the other hand, A2 type of milk obtained from cows of Indian origin like Sahiwal, Hallikar etc.
  • A1 type of milk contains a type of amino acid knows as histidine, while A2 type of milk has amino acid known as Proline.
  • Due to the presence of histidine, digestion of A1 casein releases peptide BCM-7. While, Proline in A2 milk aids generation of peptide BCM-9 instead of BCM-7
  • BCM-7 absorbed into blood by intestines is a major causative factor associated with A1 milk related health disorders. However, A2 casein not been linked to any such health issues.


According the research by the Tamil Nadu govt doctors association. It has been found out that problems like allergy, digestion, sudden infants death syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, ear infection and tonsillitis among children are been aided on a large extent by A1 type of milk or ghee. And if we come to adults, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and respiratory problems are very common due to A1 type of milk.

Currently in the market are many brands claiming they are providing A2 type of ghee, but their price doesn’t justify their claims. And some are using buffalo ghee, which indeed is not good for your health.

But there also brands like Indietribe, which are adhering to their commitment of providing only what is best for you. Indietribe as a brand, have gone one step further and has introduced their authentic A2 ghee. Which will help you build a healthy digestive system, it will also improve your vision, will help in balancing metabolism and body weight, it is good for bone health& joint pain, it boosts intelligence and immunity, excellent for migraine and Epilepsy, it brings glow to skin and nourishes hair and also reduces bad cholesterol and gives you a healthy heart. 

Indietribe uses CowConnect and they follows a strict process to bring out the best A2 ghee. The process generally involves;

  • 30-40 liters of indigenous cow’s A2 milk is boiled and cultured overnight.
  • Curd is churned bidirectionally to get makkhan/ butter.
  • Butter is cooked on slow flame to get the perfect aromatic Vedic A2 ghee.
  • And finally packed in glass jar to bring a liter of Nectarian cowconnect bos indicus premium Vedic A2 ghee to you.


So, the next time you buy ghee, make sure you put your head around the details and the standard of procedure the company follows to obtain and manufacturing. Because, as mentioned earlier, “you are what you eat”.  


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